Proof of Concept Program (PoC)
Concept validation
Romania (all regions)
The initiation and launch of the Proof-of-Concept program will be extended to all regions in Romania, being allocated from the ROP 2014-2020 an amount of 10 million euros to finance selected projects (of which 2 million euros for the Bucharest-Ilfov Region).
The activities within the PoC started in September of this year with a workshop in Bucharest where the representatives of the ROP MA, together with the project teams from the World Bank and the RDAs organized a brainstorming on how to launch the program. According to the initial planning, the activities for the PoC program will include:
workshops for the validation of the methodology proposed by the World Bank
interviews, consultations for the development and launch of the program (procedures, manuals, governance structure, list of knowledge providers, selection criteria, amount of financial support, establishment of a monitoring and evaluation framework)
training in the field of proof-of-concept programs, alignment of voucher programs with grants available in the region
completion of the operational manual
participation in study visits
implementation of the program by the beneficiaries
evaluation of results
generation of a set of documents: draft intellectual property policies, NDA forms, model licensing agreements, etc.
advice on specific issues identified
development of medium and long-term action plans on the activity of technology transfer entities.
PoCP: ROP MA, RDAs of all the 8 regions in Romania
PoCP grants: Incorporated entrepreneurs, innovative start ups, spin offs, micro and SMEs, all with majority Romanian private sector ownership,
PoCP is meant to build capacity in designing an efficient and effective funding mechanism which funds early qualitative innovation and increases the pipeline of quality innovative business projects (building a pipeline of projects eligible for further financial support in the next EU programming period 2021-2027).
PoCP grants support early stage product/process innovation and stimulate technology development (R&D);
Increased number of new innovative MSMEs, Growth and development of innovative MSMEs, change in the entrepreneurial culture and ecosystem, Higher research intensity (R&D expenditure as % of sales); Growth and development of innovative MSMEs,
A design workshop has just been organized in Bucharest 25-26 Sep 2019
The implementation arrangement will be presented in the Inception report due end of October 2019